Well the day is nearing an end, and I have a moment to write.... This year in summery has been another difficult year, so I was really glad to see it go..
My year was well it was just that, long, boring at times, sad at times, full of new's I did a LOT of healing this last year so that's good.. I made new friends through that healing and the ones I already had we grew closer.. I am greatful for the friends that stood by me, and I am greatful for the rekindled friends as well..
My mother had 5 yes FIVE heartattacks, 2 of which were massive, and she coded (died if you will) all 5 times.....I'm VERY VERY greatful my momma is here with us another year, this tickles me pink..
My brother is SOBER!!! I never thought this day would come, I can't tell you how happy I am about that, how exciting he's got new and available opportunities for himself now!!
My father is apparently getting remarried, maybe the 3rd time will be the charm. Sickening yes I agree.....I have no further words, I hurt that he's I guess "forgot" that he has 2 adult children of HIS own, but that's alright, it is what it is.....
We bought a house!! This is a very good thing!! I LOVE our house, it's everything plus more than what I ever dreamt of owning!! Our first holidays' here were a huge hit, and I'm so proud of that, although I really don't recommend hosting TWO holiday dinners in a row when on a VERY tight budget, and just buying a house... Unless you're made of money!! Whew glad it's over!! Lol, ha ha :)..
My Inlaws are doing splendly they've come down twice once for Thanksgiving and then for New Year, always great spending time with them and getting to know them even better..
We got a puppy, her name is Bandi, the cats are taking their sweet time getting used to her, but hopefully within the next few weeks they will be fast friends.
My best friend is pregnant again, expecting a little girl, I couldn't be happier, I'm going to be an adopted aunty again!!! :D
A LOT of my great friends my cyber family have had their babies, some of which were the 2nd babies, and I am so honored to be apart of their lives....
A lot of my 2nd cyber family the family that NO parent wants to be apart of have had their rainbows or are expecting their rainbows, and that is the most awesome thing to see and be a part of..
My cousin, who has waited patiently for a baby since her and her husband were married and have been going through the adoption process for the last 2 years finally got their prayers answered right before the new year, how wonderful for our God to bless them with a beautiful perfect little boy!!
And we're still experiencing secondary infertility, it sucks, and I feel broken and like a failure that my body has just stopped getting pregnant, like it's almost forgotten how!! I'm praying with a little work on myself and getting myself back to a healthy body then somehow it will click with my body that hey, its' ok to get pg..... It's time, it's been almost 2 years that we've been trying to conceive after having Tristan....
The holidays were a lot easier to get through than I thought, the week or so before were hard, but I'm ok, I miss my son terribly, but he was called home for something very special I'm sure.. I have faith in our God that He will bless us with the desires of our hearts because I refuse to lose faith or give up ttc...
So this is our last year in summery. It's not pretty but it's our year..
I have a vow to change myself, and my life!!!
So I hope that everyone has a very Happy New year, and New Decade......Many blessings, and much happiness I hope finds you!!!